Kosovo’s outgoing prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, said that after a 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Albania on Tuesday, thousands of Albanian citizens were offered temporarily shelter in Kosovo, Gazeta Express reports.
Haradinaj in a Facebook post said that Kosovo took coordinated actions to help Albania in the afterhmath of quake which left 49 people dead and hundreds wounded. “Kosovo has received thousands of people from Albania, who are being sheltered either by citizens or by institutions. We have mobilized all necessary mechanisms to manage the situation,” Haradinaj wrote in Facebook. Haradinaj explained that hundreds of people have been sheltered at the Kosovo-German Innovation Training Camp in Prizren and authorities are working to offer shelter for other citizens who have lost their houses after the devastating earthquake on Tuesday. He also called on all citizens to address the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) in offering aid to Albanian quake victims. /GazetaExpress/