Kosovo to drop tariffs on Monday as requested by the US, Mustafa says - Gazeta Express
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Kosovo to drop tariffs on Monday as requested by the US, Mustafa says

Gazeta Express

01/03/2020 15:34

Chairman of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, said his party, its MPs and members of the Government, will support dropping of tariffs on Serbian goods without any reservation. The LDK is in ruling coalition with Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s party Vetevendosje. Mustafa said the tax should be dropped not only the US is requesting but because he believes this is in Kosovo’s interest.

Writing in Facebook and Twitter Mustafa said that 100 percent tariffs introduced in all Serbian imports by Ramush Haraidnaj’s Government in November 2018, had no economic justification and where a measure “to protect against failures, especially in foreign policy.” Commenting on the continues request of the US to drop tariffs and resume dialogue with Serbia, Mustafa said that no one in Kosovo believes that any of the parliamentary groups or members of Assembly or government have found a stronger, or more committed partner than the United States for the state and statehood of Kosovo.

Lexo Edhe:

“Finally, if Serbia does not stop its campaign against Kosovo and continues to apply trade and economic barriers, LDK remains committed to applying reciprocity measures within a period that the Government will set together with the US and the EU,” Mustafa wrote.

Mustafa’s reaction came after Prime Minister Albin Kurti proposed Thursday partially abolishing of tariffs as of 15 March 2020 “as a goodwill gesture” and warned that Kosovo would reinstate tariffs if Serbia does not stop its campaign against Kosovo’s independence. Kurti’s move was not supported by the US President Donald Trump’s special envoy on dialogue, Richard Grenell, who said the US is against half measures and urged Kurti to completely drop tariffs. /GazetaExpress/