Serbia’s message ahead of Kurti-Vucic meeting: Association of Serb Municipalities should be established - Gazeta Express
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Serbia’s message ahead of Kurti-Vucic meeting: Association of Serb Municipalities should be established


Gazeta Express

14/06/2021 10:42

Director of Serbian Government Office for Kosovo, Petar Petkovic, says Pristina “is generating an extremely difficult atmosphere ahead of the new round of the Dialogue.” His message comes ahead of the scheduled meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic set to be held on 15 June in Brussels, Gazeta Express reports.  

Petkovic told Serbia’s state broadcaster – RTS that this is aimed at pressuring Serbian president Vucic ahead of the Brussels meeting. “Belgrade and Vucic are under pressure and on the other hand the West is strongly supporting Kurti who behaves in such a way that no one in the West reacts to his provocations, insults, threats, because Kosovo is a child of the Western powers and should not be criticized,” Petkovic said.

According to Petkovic Belgrade during the meeting expected to be held on Tuesday will insist on establishment of the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities. /GazetaExpress/