EU comments on Vucic's photo with the map of Kosovo - Gazeta Express
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Gazeta Express

19/03/2021 13:17

EU comments on Vucic’s photo with the map of Kosovo


Gazeta Express

19/03/2021 13:17

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic posted on official Instagram account a photo of the map of Kosovo covered with the flag of Serbia.

This has triggered many reactions from Albanian politicians. Gazeta Express has contacted EU officials regarding Vucic’s action. “The EU has always called on all political actors in Serbia, Kosovo and in the rest of the region to engage in actions and declarations that create and promote an atmosphere conducive to reconciliation, regional stability and cooperation, and not the opposite,” Brussels officials said. “As we have said many times over the years, Serbia and Kosovo should refrain from acts and statements that are counterproductive to the normalisation of their relations and the work on achieving a comprehensive agreement.” /GazetaExpress/